Taiki Wakana



Birthday: December 5th, 1992

Height: 180cm (5’11”)

Theme Color: Orange

Bloodtype: B

Sub-unit: Makoto

Left BOYS AND MEN: March 31st, 2016

I just wanted to give you guys some information about Taiki, since I’m sure many of you will come across him while searching for pictures! Taiki left BOYS AND MEN on March 31st, 2016. His last music video was the Wanna Be video~! He was apart of Makoto and had a really good friendship with Masato. In December 2015, Taiki was hospitalized once again from allergies. This seemed to be the event that made Taiki decide to leave BOYS AND MEN. From what I’ve gathered, he took a short break from activities and then during that time decided to fully withdraw from the group; which shocked everyone and the rest of the boys were pretty upset. Below I’ve included some more photos of him with the babes.

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